Values and Enums in Kotlin

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A while back I wrote[1] about why I use value classes in place of enums in Kotlin. I still follow this practice, but have some updated notes that I want to share, as well as providing some additional pros for each strategy.

The Problem With Plain Values

Many applications rely on plain values for options. In some applications, this may take the place of a string, and in others an integer. On Android, for example, we frequently see Integer constants:


Where the constant is defined in Android as:

public static final int FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK = 268435456;

The benefit of this strategy is partially for performance. While the performance benefit of an int over an enum is marginal at best, platforms such as Android try not to make assumptions about the constraints on your application, and bias towards the more performant variant.

Another benefit I don't often hear talked about is API stability. The Int type is relatively universal and unbound. Since we're not fixed to a single set of supported values, the platform can easily change the value sets without needing careful alignment between libraries. This will become more clear when digging into using enums.

The downside of using plain values is that it's fairly ambiguous. In addition to passing the pre-defined constants in, we could also pass just about anything as one of these options. We also lose auto-complete features much of the time.

Though Android has addressed some of these deficiencies with annotations such as @IntDef, not all platforms are targeting Android and will rely on these. In particular, Kotlin Multiplatform projects often won't include these.

The Problem With Enums

Enums are frequently used as a solution to the deficiencies of plain values. At first glance, they seem like everything you want. They provide a constant set of type-safe values. And Sealed classes offer a similar set of values while allowing for multiple instances of each type.

In addition to type safety, both Enums and sealed classes, we also gain exhaustive when statements, which are enforced for all sealed/enum statements as of Kotlin 1.6:

enum class LightType {

val example = when (lightType) {
  LightBulb -> ...
  LightStrip -> ...
  FloodLight -> ...

However, this comes with a major downside: Breaking Changes. While having a bound set of values forces consumers of the API to update their code to match the new set of values, this is not always desirable. Consider the above set of types in an SDK. Would we really want to make a new Major/breaking release just to add a new product type? Probably not. Even internally, if your codebase is large enough, migrating all of your existing code may not be desirable; it may add unnecessary instability and a large burden to your project.

Sometimes we want the values to be unbounded, or unstable. Enums and Sealed Classes cannot provide this functionality.

The Value of Classes

When you want something that is unbounded like a plain value, but with the type-safety of a class, Kotlin has a construct aptly named: value classes.

Formerly called 'inline classes', value classes wrap a plain value, and can be optimized by the compiler to have similar performance characteristics of a plain value. Because of this, these types also do not have the exhaustive requirements that sealed types and enums have.

We can construct a value structure similar to an enum:

value class LightType private constructor(
  private val type: String,
) {
  companion object {
    val LightBulb = LightType("light_bulb")
    val LightStrip = LightType("light_strip")
    val FloodLight = LightType("flood_light")

Now, when we handle that data, the type defers its identity to the underlying type, in this case a String. This means that Kotlin's compiler will require an else statement in exhaustive situations:

val example = when (myLight) {
  LightBulb -> TODO()
  LightStrip -> TODO()
  FloodLight -> TODO()
  else -> TODO() // This else is *required* now

I want to note that this isn't inherently desirable either. Sometimes you want to provide a sealed type, allowing the consumer to rely on a fixed set of outputs. The distinction you should think about is whether your data type is stable or unbounded.

Simple Mistakes

Closed vs Open

When I originally started using value classes like this, my instinct was to provide somewhat similar utility functions as the ones found in an enum class. for example, a values method with the known values as a collection.

For example:

value class LightType private constructor(
  private val type: String,
) {
  companion object {
    val LightBulb = LightType("light_bulb")
    val LightStrip = LightType("light_strip")
    val FloodLight = LightType("flood_light")

    fun values() = arrayOf(LightBulb, LightStrip, FloodLight)

Something that's important to note about this, is that it only works well if your code owns the data that the value class provides. In this sense, the data is closed.

It would be a mistake to add this method if the value is originating from an API, for example. The distinction here is that not only is the data unbounded, but it is also open, meaning new values may appear in the future from the API, and we should wrap that value in this value class.

In this sense, the provided val definitions within our companion merely provide a convenient list of the current known values, but the values are open for new extensions. For this type of data, I also now recommend opening the constructor and key parameter:

value class LightType(
    val type: String,
) {
  companion object {
    val LightBulb = LightType("light_bulb")
    val LightStrip = LightType("light_strip")
    val FloodLight = LightType("flood_light")

This allows the same type-safety, while not causing problems when new values are added to the API.